She felt short of breath and flushed 她感到呼吸困难,脸颊绯红。
She arrived at the house panting and short of breath from the haste she had made. 格特露来得匆忙,气喘吁吁地进了屋子。她担心又出了麻烦,已经把手边的几块钱塞进了提包。
Take a breath: The next time you have an idea you can't contain, simply open your mouth and take a quick, short breath. 呼吸法:下一次当你有了新点子没法控制自己不说出口时,只要张开嘴巴做一个短促的呼吸。
Do you feel short of breath when you climb steps or do heavy work? 您上楼梯或干重活时是否感到呼吸短促呢?
Have you been short of breath or had any chest pain on exertion recently? 您最近在用力时有没有感到气短或胸痛?
Common yam rhizome porridge treats short breath and weak physique. 气短体虚弱,煮粥加山药。
When I finally came abreast of him I noticed he was very short of breath. 等我赶上他时,我看出他呼吸很急促。
I found myself suddenly very short of breath. 我觉得突然接不上气来。
After all that running, he was short of breath. 那样跑了一阵之后,他气喘吁吁了。
I can't stop coughing and I feel short of breath. 我总是咳嗽并感到气短。
I know. I'm getting a little fat. I am short of breath when going upstairs. 我知道。我现在有点发胖了。我上楼梯会觉得喘不过气来。
After treatment, improvement in symptoms such as chest pain, chest distension, short breath, palpitation, fever, spontaneous sweating, insomnia, lassitude, aversion to cold and cold limbs was compared between group A and group B by scoring method. 以计分法比较两组治疗后胸痛、胸闷、气短、心悸、发热、自汗、不寐、疲倦乏力、畏寒肢冷等症状的改善情况,以及治疗前后两组炎症性指标的变化情况。
After traction, chest distress and short breath occurred in 18 patients. 18例患者牵引后出现胸闷、气短。
CONCLUSION: The inspiration training by the lung functional exerciser can ameliorate inspiration function, relieve the symptom of short breath and increase blood oxygen saturation of patients with pneumoconiosis tuberculosis and SARS. 结论使用肺功能锻炼器进行吸气训练有改善煤工尘肺和SARS患者吸气功能,减轻气短、气急症状,以及提高血氧饱和度的作用。
Forty-four patients ( M 30. F 14; age 62 ± s 9 a) with pulmonary heart disease suffering from short breath or gasp symptom with moderate or severe obstructive ventilatory disturbance of pulmonary function were treated with tulobuterol. 妥洛特罗用于44例慢性肺心病患者,男性30例,女性14例,年龄62±s9a。有明显气短或喘息症状,基础肺功能为中度或重度阻塞性通气功能障碍。
Conclusion The anti-reflux treatment to symptomatic GER may effectively alleviate long term cough and short breath in COPD patient, it demonstrate that GER is closely associated with COPD. 结论对症状性GER的抗反流治疗,可以有效减轻部分COPD患者长期咳嗽气促症状,证实了COPD与GER之间的密切相关性。
Observe indicatrix: The variety of main symptom and physical sign ( gasp, short breath, cough, expectoration, wheezing). 观察指标:哮喘主要症状、体征(喘息、气短、咳嗽、咳痰、哮鸣音)的变化。
Pulmonary interstitial fibrosis is a kind of pulmonary interstitial disease which manifested by progressing dyspnea, asthma, short breath, dry cough and characterized by limiting ventilation perfusion ratio, hypoxemia, chronic progressing diffused pulmonary interstitial fibrosis. 肺间质纤维化是以进行性呼吸困难、喘息、气短、干咳、喘憋为临床表现、以限制性通气功能障碍、低氧血症、慢性进行性弥漫性肺间质纤维化为特点的肺间质性疾病。
Results In the patients with severe SARS, the commonly appeared clinical symptoms were found to be fever, dry cough, weakness, coughing with sputum, headache, short breath, and aching pain in muscle. 结果重症SARS患者临床症状中,发热、干咳、乏力、咯痰、头痛、气短、肌肉酸痛等症状较为普遍。
Main symptoms: cough, sputum with blood, chest pain, short breath, fever and pantalgia. 年龄39~71岁。主要症状:咳嗽,痰中带血,胸痛,气促,发热与全身痛。
This paste also mitigated other symptoms, especially stuffy chest, short breath and palpitation, being better than the controlled group. 冠心膏能很好地缓解冠心病其它症状,尤其是对胸闷、气短、心悸等症状改善,作用优于硝酸甘油贴膜组;
The results showed that the main manifestations of IPF were severe dry cough, progressive short breath, cyanosis, clubbed fingers and crepitant rales in lungs. 结果发现,IPF主要表现为剧烈干咳、进行性气短、紫绀、杵状指趾和肺部捻发音。
ⅲ type primary factors: appearing respiratory weakness; secondary factors: appearing weakness of chewing and swallowing, dyspnea with rapid and short breath, low speech, weak knee, complicating with pulmonary infection. Ⅲ型主要因素:出现呼吸无力;次要因素:出现咀嚼无力吞咽困难、喘促、言语低嘶、膝软无力等症,合并肺部感染。